Thursday, 13 April 2017

Lung Cancer treatment that works for you

We all know that cancer is a dreadful disease. However, thanks to the tremendous technological as well as scientific advancements which have taken place in this field, this otherwise dreadful disease has become curable. Not just this, but there have also been additions in the list of treatments which can be offered to patients suffering from cancer. 

Lung Cancer Surgery
Lung Cancer Surgery

Kinds of treatments offered

Treatment for lung cancer includes radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery along with targeted drug therapy. However, the nature of treatment which is to be offered to the patient depends upon a number of factors like the type of cancer the patient is suffering from along with the stage at which he or she is, prevailing health condition of the patient etc on so on. Hence, it is always a good idea that the patient has a detailed discussion with his or her oncologist before starting the treatment so as to get a clear idea as to what is going to happen. Let us now briefly understand each of these procedures.

Lung Cancer Surgery

Lung cancer surgery is usually performed by an oncologist surgeon, who is also known as thoracic surgeon. In this form of treatment, the surgeon removes the complete lung tumor along with the lymph nodes which are located inside the chest region. The recovery time required after surgery for lung cancer is dependent on the extent to which the lung is removed as well as the prevailing health condition of the patient prior to the surgery. 

Radiation method

Another popular method of Lung Cancer Treatment is the radiation method or radiation therapy as it is also known as. In this particular method, high energy x-rays or other particles are used to destroy the harmful cancer cells. Unlike surgery, which is done once, radiation involves the patient undergoing multiple sessions of radiations which are given to the patient spread over few weeks time depending upon the nature and intensity of the cancer cells. 

Adjuvant therapy

Adjuvant therapy is another form of treatment provided to patients ailing from lung cancer. This treatment is usually given to patients once they have already undergone a surgery with a view to eliminate the possibility of the lung cancer returning. Thus, the aim of this therapy is to ensure that any existing or remaining cancerous cells existing inside the patient’s body are eliminated thereby reducing the recurrence of cancer. 

Suit yourself

As you may already be knowing, that cancer is not just a dreadful disease to fight, physically as well as mentally, but it can also cost you quite high. Lung cancer treatment cost in India can go up to as much as INR 100,000 and at times even more if the cancer is at a later stage. Hence, it is very important that you make the correct choice of hospital as well as oncologist who will make this otherwise painful process slightly easy for you. The India Health Help will not just provide you with accurate diagnosis, but the highly skilled and specialized doctors here will guide you through the entire process in such a way that you will definitely feel that you are in safe hands.

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