Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Common Questions Regarding Breast Cancer Answered!

The age of the internet has brought about significant awareness regarding the risks and complications of breast cancer in women. If you are arriving for breast cancer treatment in India, here are a few common questions you may regarding the condition, its diagnosis and treatment.
·         Is a Lump in the Breast Almost Always Cancer?
Most changes and lumps in the breast turn out not to be cancer. Common breast conditions that women experience include cysts and fibrosis (scarring). It is also common to experience benign tumours known as fibroadenomas. However, it is important that you visit top hospitals and doctors when you suspect something as a preventive measure.

·         How Often Should I be Conducting a Self-Exam?
Formerly, it was a common norm to perform a self-examination once per month. Currently, most doctors recommend that women just be self-aware of the normal feel and appearance of the breasts rather than following a prescribed schedule.
·         Is Breast Cancer a Disease that can be Inherited?
A family history of breast cancer can increase the risk of developing it as a woman. 10% of the women with this condition have inherited a mutation in one of the genes that predispose to various forms of cancer. Inherited breast cancer has a tendency of occurring at a younger age and in multiple relatives. These genes can also result in increase in risk of ovarian cancer.
·         What Does “Mastalgia” mean?
This term is often misused when one talks about a normal or abnormal breast tissue. In fact, the term “Mastalgia” refers to the pain in the breast and not a specific part at all.
·         How does Breast Cancer Start?
Breast cancer starts due to the out of control growth of abnormal cells. Normal cells tend to have a specific, fixed life span. However, cancer cells overcome these restrictions and continue to grow past the point where normal cells tend to stop growing. They also have the ability to spread and grow into other tissues, a characteristic that normal cells do not possess.

Contact highly experienced doctors and surgeons to keep a check on the health of your breasts for a preventive approach to this condition. 

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